Colinas Ranch
Property Type: Rangeland
Location: San Juan Canyon Road, San Benito & Monterey Counties
Price: Sold – May 2024
APN: San Benito: 023-210-004, -006, -007 & 023-220-001
Monterey: 413-071-001
Zoning: Permanent Grazing (PG/40)
Acres: 1,107 acres

The Colinas Ranch is a mountainous ranch with various ridges and valleys that traverse through the ranch in a northeast-to-southwest direction. The elevation varies from a low of 800+/- feet above sea level along Mud Creek at the west end of the ranch to a high of 2,000+/- feet along a ridge near the middle, with several peaks at about 1,750+/- feet.
This section of the Gabilan Range is habited by deer, boars, tule elk, bobcats, mountain lions, and coyotes.
The headwaters to Mud Creek and Towne Creek are located on this ranch, with seasonal flows to the north toward the Gabilan Creek. There are also several springs located throughout the ranch, several of which are developed and provide water to livestock troughs and the cabin.
The property is subject to a conservation easement for the purpose of protecting the natural beauty and ecology of this land in perpetuity. The easement is held by the Big Sur Land Trust.