Las Vinas
Property Type: Residential Subdivision
Price: $7,735,000
APN: 221-011-068
Zoning: R-L
Acres: 47 acres

Las Vinas Brochure
Piini Realty is pleases to present Las Vinas, a single-family residential subdivision development with an approved Vesting Tentative Map located in the City of Greenfield. The property sits along the west side of El Camino Real and adjacent to Greenfield’s southern overpass with Highway 101 providing convenient highway access to the greater Salinas Valley. Las Vinas is a market rate development with no inclusionary housing requirement and an agricultural mitigation requirement that has already been satisfied, and is approved with 182 residential lots that average 6,055 +/- square feet with 54 premium lots and 124 standard sized lots and a density of 3.9 dwelling units per acre.