Norton Airport Ranch
Property Type: Agricultural - Irrigated row crop ranch
Location: Alisal Road, Salinas Valley, Monterey County
Price: Sold – April 2017
APN: 153-011-054+
Zoning: Farmlands (F/40)
Acres: 328.1 gross acres / 313.7 usable acres

Located to the immediate southeast of Salinas’ municipal airport, the Airport Ranch is a high-quality strawberry and lettuce row crop ranch with 313.7 usable acres. The ranch is situated on two benches of the Salinas Valley with prime level soils, good water quality, and large uniform farming blocks.
The sale was a complex transaction involving seller financing, assumption of an additional leasehold interest, involvement from the City Airport Commission, and negotiations related to drainage improvements.
Piini Realty also assisted the seller in placing the property into a Farmland Security Zone contract prior to its marketing, increasing the overall appeal of this ranch.